Payment Details


Our prices are very competitive – we maintain these prices by keeping low overheads and minimising costs.

Payment Details as follows:

UK Customers

Payee: morethanAV

Lloyds TSB
Sort 30-94-38
A/C 02873066
Horley Branch

International Customers
IBAN – GB58LOYD30943802873066

Payment Address:
morethanAV Unit 14, Kelvin Business Centre, Kelvin Way, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9SF, UK

Just 5 minutes from Junction 10 of the M23!


If you are considering offering your goods for sale we always welcome a call beforehand to discuss your equipment, and it is always of assistance to both parties if you then forward your product particulars by email and then a record of correspondence can be referred to. Please email or or call us for a friendly chat on 0203 589 9381 or 07985 776629.

If calling outside of working hours please send a text or email to check whether your call can be answered.

As a professional reseller payment can be made to customers selling goods by instantaneous bank transfer or by cash.  Payment can be made by cheque or Bankers Draft upon request and by prior arrangement only.

As part of our service to you we de-install, package and transport the goods at no further charge to you.

As far as is practicable we discuss with you, the Client, when collection is convenient and agree collection particulars.

Every effort is made to make the process of selling your equipment as quick, simple and straightforwards as possible.